Immanuel: Experience empathy from Jesus who is truly With Us and understands our weakness (Hebrews pt 5)
Hebrews Part 5 (Hebrews 2, 4, 5 & 12) The stories from when Jesus walked this earth with us, show a man who experienced a full range of emotions, and was deeply empathic with those around him. Hebrews encourages us to experience this deep compassion as we engage with him in prayer.
Can a Christian Permanently Fall Away? Hebrews pt.4 (6:1-12 & 10:26-39)
Hebrews Part 4 (Hebrews 6:1-12 & 10:26-39) What does these passages actually say? And how do they fit in with other Scriptures that speak of the “Unforgivable Sin?”.
Jesus our Sympathetic Priest, giving confidence and support to our prayers. Hebrews pt.3 (4:12-5:10)
Hebrews Part 3 (Hebrews 4:12-5:10) We can gain a deeper appreciation of what Jesus does for us from this description of O.T. priests. Hebrews urges us to come to God in confidence because Jesus truly knows what it is like to be human: weak and tempted.
Making an Effort to Rest —The very core of being a Christian! Hebrews pt.2 (ch 3-4)
Hebrews Part 2 (Hebrews 3 & 4) It sounds like a contradiction when we are told: “Let us therefore make every effort to enter that rest” (Heb 4:11) But actually it is not, it is one of the keys to a fruitful, productive and stress-free life.
Jesus is Better than Everything! —The Message of Hebrews pt.1
Hebrews Part 1 (Hebrews 1 & 2) Jesus is far better than everything else we could possibly have. Incomparably better! So hold fast to him and don’t allow yourself to be pulled away by other attractions.
A Biblical Understanding of Shame Part 2: Undoing it! (John 4 & Luke 15)
If shame can be so damaging, how can it be removed? We examine two accounts in the Bible, so that we can learn to help ourselves and others have the weight of shame lifted. (John 4 & Luke 15)
Every Part Needed—Discovering and Using your Gifts in the Body of Christ (Eph 6 & Rom 12)
The church grows by every part doing their share. But how do I know what my part is? This talk works through 12 areas of gifting, explaining how they function within Newlife church, and how to identify where you fit in. (Eph 4 & Rom 12)
Compelling reasons why you should develop a habit of giving thanks (Col 3 & 4)
Why does the Bible have such an emphasis on being thankful? Remarkable studies have shown that gratitude makes us happier, less likely to be depressed and even live longer. But much more than any of that, God loves us to be thankful and takes great pleasure in our expression of it. (Col 2 & 3, Phil 4:6)
Introduction to a Biblical Understanding of Shame
Healing Shame Part 1 (Phil 2 + other texts) Shame is an emotion given by God, but greatly misunderstood, and capable of causing extreme pain. It is vitally important that we understand where it comes from, what it signals, and what a church can do to heal the shame of the broken.
God Saves and Uses Messed-Up People (Genesis 20)
Why is this story even in the Bible? It certainly does not show Abraham as an example of faith. It is one of the oddest stories in Genesis, but it has a powerful and encouraging message for us. (Genesis 20)
New Creation in Christ: the Effect of being Joined to Jesus (1 Cor 15; Rom 6:5-14)
Evangelism Part 8 (1 Cor 15; Rom 6:5-14) Living in the New, not the Old: Here is a challenge to grasp the implications of what the Bible says about our radical new status and see two huge ways in which being in the New Creation changes everything.
How did Jesus Express the Gospel message? —since he hadn’t yet died (Luke 14, Mark 8, John 10)
Evangelism Part 7 (Luke 14, Mark 8, John 10) The preaching of Jesus came down to one thing, “Follow me!” Understanding what this means is key to both becoming a Christian and growing as a Christian
The Three Steps to Becoming a Christian (John 1 & Matt 10,11)
Evangelism Part 6 (John 1 & Matt 10,11) The purpose of this talk is to equip believers to explain the message, and to guide those who are seeking along a clear Biblical pathway that is concise, yet complete.
How the Cross and Resurrection changed Everything — Col 2:8-19
Evangelism Part 5 (Colossians 2:8-19) Union with Christ in both his death and resurrection is the single most important truth in the whole of Christianity. If you truly understand what it means for you, and live out of this new reality, then it will affect you profoundly.
Truth that Brings Life — Col 1:1-11
Evangelism Part 4 (Col 1:1-11) In this remarkable passage we see a vivid image of the New Creation that links back to the old, but also points forward to how we can spread the Gospel, and the source of growth and fruit in our lives.
What is Faith? (Acts 17)
Evangelism Part 3 (Acts 17) Today’s culture completely misunderstands what ‘Faith’ means. Let’s be very clear about what it really means and be challenged for the coming year.
Evangelism: the Journey to Jesus—A Helpful Example in John 4:43-54
Evangelism Part 2 (John 4:43-54) Even if you are a Christian, there are some deep challenges in this story. Jesus wants to keep moving you along the journey until you really know who he is, and act accordingly.
Evangelism for Timid Christians (Journey to Jesus) — John 3&4
Why do most Christians find it so hard to share the Gospel? —fearful of being looked down on? —don’t know what to say? —afraid of creating an awkward moment? —This message aims provide some practical help and encouragement for sharing our faith. (John 3 & 4)
The Father Heart of God part 2: Three Steps (John 16 & 17; Rom 5 & 8)
Three Steps to Receiving the Father’s Love (John 16 & 17; Rom 5 & 8)
Testimonies of Answered Prayer (Col 4:2-4)
Listening to stories of extraordinary answers to prayer is a great way to build our faith and be encouraged to give prayer our constant attention. (Col 4:2-4)